The implementation of technologies and sustainability will dominate the agenda
RX Global, organiser of Arabian Travel Market (ATM), has announced that the 2022 edition of its annual showcase, will focus on the future of international travel and tourism and the likely challenges and benefits for an industry that’s still coming to terms with ‘the new normal’.
Now in its 29th year and working in collaboration with the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), the event’s hybrid format will continue with the in-person event to take place 8 to 11 May 2022, followed by the virtual edition on 17 and 18 May 2022.
Speaking about the current state of the industry and what visitors can look forward to, Arabian Travel Market exhibition director ME Danielle Curtis said: “Covid-19 has dominated our lives since March 2020 and continues to do so in many parts of the world. However, although international travel and tourism has learnt from past experiences and adapted in some cases almost seamlessly, we now have an ideal opportunity to look ahead to the future of our industry.
“Undoubtedly innovation through IoT, AI, AR, VR and improved connectivity overall, will change the face of our industry dramatically, however, there are other challenges that we should address together and share industry best practices. Issues include climate change and broader social challenges, as well as stakeholder attitudes towards equity in health, education and economic opportunity, particularly in the communities that we operate in.”
Show highlights in 2022 will include destination summits focused on key source markets, Travel Forward, ATM buyer forums and speed networking events, as well as ‘Arrival Dubai @ ATM’ – a dedicated in-destination forum.
ATM 2022 will also host dedicated conference summits on the Global Stage, covering aviation, hotels, sports tourism, retail tourism and a special hospitality investment seminar. The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the world’s premier business travel and meetings trade organisation, will once again be participating at ATM. The GBTA will deliver the latest business travel content, research and education to drive recovery and support growth in business travel.
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