
Global air travel performance rebounded in February

Global air travel performance rebounded in February

According to IATA, total air traffic in February 2022 is up by 116% compared to last year

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced that the air travel recorded a strong rebound in February 2022 compared to both January 2022 and February 2021.

Total traffic in February 2022 (measured in revenue passenger kilometres or RPKs) was up 116% compared to last year. The figures are an improvement from January 2022, which was up 83% compared to January 2021 however, traffic was down by 46% when compared to February 2019. 

Regionally, Middle East-based carriers did reasonably well with the traffic in the region surging 215% in February 2022 compared to 2021. This was a massive improvement compared to the 145% increase in January 2022 versus January 2021.


According to the IATA, February’s domestic traffic was up 61% in 2022 compared to the same month in 2021, but that is still 22% below the volumes of February 2019.

International RPKs rose by 257% compared to February 2021, increasing from a 166% rise year-on-year increase in January 2022. However, international RPKs were down by 60% compared to the same period in 2019.

IATA director general Willie Walsh said: “The recovery in air travel is gathering steam as governments in many parts of the world lift travel restrictions. States that persist in attempting to lock-out the disease, rather than managing it, as we do with other diseases, risk missing out on the enormous economic and societal benefits that a restoration of international connectivity will bring.”

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